Thursday, October 11, 2007

What If...You Met Them Where They Are?

Several weeks ago, my husband and I went to Chicago for a wedding. We had our plan in tact:

We would fly out on a non-stop from Kansas City to Chicago.

We would catch the train into the city.

We would walk the 3 blocks to our cousin's apartment.

The plan went accordingly and as we stepped off the train in the heart of Chicago, my husband called his cousin to let him know that we were on our way to his house and we began the 3 block walk.

Much to our surprise, within minutes we saw our cousin in complete view on the other side of the street.

He came to meet us where we were...

and walk us to his home personally.

As the leader of a women's organization, God has been teaching me a powerful lesson recently. I can almost hear His words audibly:

Meet them where they are, Randee. This is your job as leader.

I have made the mistake in the past of waiting for others to come to me; particularly when a task was clearly outlined and agreed upon by the individual and myself. After all...Am I my brother's keeper? (Sound familiar? Ouch.)

In reading through the Gospels, I see how often Jesus met them where they were. He found common ground with His followers. He spoke their language. He was able to beautifully pinpoint a need to be met and then fulfilled that need.

Oh, how the desire of my heart is to be a leader like Him. How far I have to go but in His mercy and grace, He gives me one opportunity after another to demonstrate His kind of leadership. How precious is our Lord for...

He meets me where I am.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Don't you just love the way He teaches? It tickles me.
I have a relative who is always a downer for me...I was blessed with a happy spirit hers is, well truthfully depressing to me. She was doing some counseling and the Lord showed me that sometimes a happy person isn't what's needed to meet these people where they are. I found a new respect for her as well as a new understanding.

Randee said...

Oh, Francie, your post touches me deeply. To step outside your "happy" mode to meet her where she is...beautiful.

I often have to step out of the "productivity" mode. Somehow, I think that "happiness" is a more endearing quality.

Thank you for plugging into the conversation. You blessed me tonight.

Lori Arriaga said...

Oh wow, something I need to get better at myself. That is exactly what Jesus does isn't it? He always meets us where we are at so why do we try to do the opposite?

Thank you for sharing with us Francie about how God showed you where you needed to meet your relative. Not an easy thing to do by any means.

Lori Arriaga said...

Oh wow, something I need to get better at myself. That is exactly what Jesus does isn't it? He always meets us where we are at so why do we try to do the opposite?

Thank you for sharing with us Francie about how God showed you where you needed to meet your relative. Not an easy thing to do by any means.