Monday, October 29, 2007

What if ... we were inspired to learn more about prayer?

Prayer has been something I feel we should always be willing to learn more about. I believe there are no right or wrong ways to pray but it is something we each should personally develop in our own lives. Not only to help us get through our trials in life but to deepen our walk with the Lord and have fellowship with our Father in heaven.

What if ... we were inspired by others to learn more about prayer?

Bonnie St. John has inspired many people with her own life and what she has accomplished despite her disability but wanted to share how prayer was a big part of it all and has written a book titled "How Strong Women Pray". The book also shares what twenty seven other inspiring women such as Barbara Bush, Kathy Lee Gifford and Amy Grant said about what the power of prayer has done for them in their lives in her interviews with them.

To learn more about Bonnie and watch a video of her interview on Conversations with Carlos Sanchez at:

Also, you will get a chance to see Bonnie on November 2nd as she will appear on the Today Show on NBC to discuss her new book.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

For California and Randee

God, make me brave for life: oh, braver than this.
Let me straighten after pain, as a tree straightens after the rain,
Shining and lovely again.
God, make me brave for life; much braver than this.
As the blown grass lifts, let me rise
From sorrow with quiet eyes,
Knowing Thy way is wise.
God, make me brave, life brings
Such blinding things.
Help me to keep my sight;
Help me to see aright
That out of dark comes light.

(author unknown)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What If...You Were Saved From The Fire?

I sent this email out to the women of the Pink Collar Club this morning. I wrote the letter yesterday morning and updated it this morning when we got the news.

Dear Pink Collar Club,

I sit in front of my television screen at the prompting of my husband only to witness the most intense devastation I've seen in a very long time. Only this time the devastation hits a little too close to home.

I have family directly in the midst of these destructive fires and a brother-in-law who is fighting the fires. Double whammy. (I am referring to the southern California wildfires.)

My husband and I are glued to the screen most of the day and praying in between news flashes as we watch the areas closely. Neighborhood after neighborhood is being wiped out. Hundreds of thousands of individuals evacuated from their homes. Total destruction. The flames are blazing.

I shudder as I try to stay in the moment but my mind begins to drift into the thought of eternal fire and destruction. I shudder again and try as I might to maintain my focus...the here and the now.

Will you stop for a moment to pray for those in the midst of this fire and more importantly those on their way to eternal fire? God help us.


Recent Update:

The phone rang at 4:21 this morning. My inlaws have been evacuated and placed in a local community center among other "displaced" individuals. The fires have hit their neighborhood. It doesn't look like their house will survive the fires. The material culmination of a lifetime gone in moments but praise God for saving them.

What If...You Were Saved From The Fire?

Both temporary and eternal. Are you?

Monday, October 22, 2007

What if ... we witness for Jesus on Halloween

Halloween is a very touchy subject for many Christians and are often confused whether they should participate in Halloween or not. Last year at the Virtuous Women's Retreat I had someone speak on the topic where he shared how we should participate in the holiday but participate in order to bring the light of Jesus to the world rather then the darkness that is so often portrayed.

I came across an article with 4 fun alternatives for Halloween at:
to help you plan how you are going to spend this Halloween if you haven't already done so.

Friday, October 19, 2007

What if....We Defined Success Differently?

I was interviewed by the producer of a show called “Anything But Ordinary” which provides inspiring stories of individuals’ success and the road that led to it. As I have put together my interview questions, the “What is Success?” question I have asked coaching clients over the years has really provoked a lot of thought as to what message I want to convey to the audience. Since my passion is helping others LIVE OUT LOUD, take a look at the list below to help you think how you really have been successful in YOUR own way.

Here are a few thoughts to help you define your personal success:

1. Are you living your life according to what’s most important? (living your priorities?)

2. Forget about how society or others define success. We all have a unique design and cannot be put into a cookie-cutter mentality.

3. Answer this question: “How do I define success?”

4. If you are not feeling successful, you must be willing to determine if you are living by others’ expectations or by your God-given design.

5. Are there any roadblocks to your success? (i.e. your own thoughts saying you aren’t successful, current life circumstances, etc.)

6. MONEY DOES NOT EQUAL SUCCESS! Especially here in the U.S., that is how success is defined. Refer to above questions to define your personal success!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What If...You Let Your Dream Begin?

Lynn sent me an email a few days ago introducing me to a new community. She had been contacted by a member of the organization giving kudos to The What If...Women blog. They were generous enough to place a link from their blog to ours. I couldn't resist checking them out and now I'd like to share this beautiful community with you.

Let Your Dream Begin is a community of dreamers led by Josh Golder.

Josh Golder has overcome incredible adversity in his own life in order to live his dreams. Now, he’s on a mission to help others achieve theirs by building a community of like-minded dreamers...a community in which all members will help each other to live lives of passion and purpose.

What I find so refreshing is the generosity of Josh Golder. You needn't look any further than his website to find a man of intentional generosity. The focus of his community is on the dreams of others. He asks this question with four answers:

How Do I Start Living My Dream?

Join the Dream Community Mailing List.

Tell Us Your Dream.

Make Connections In The Dream Community.

Attend A Live Dream Event.

The What If...? Women blog is all about "pondering the possibilities" and I find it completely fitting that we would add our voices to the Let Your Dream Begin community.

I already have. How about you?

Friday, October 12, 2007

What if...We could build more courage?

My oldest daughter was nominated to be a Student Ambassador to Europe this summer. We are all very excited. She has her interview before the committee next week and is anxious about it because it reminds her of the interview she had last year for an opportunity to visit Japan through my husband’s work. She was not chosen for the Japan program, so she thinks this interview will turn out the same way. My husband and I reassured her that these are two very different programs and this upcoming interview is more of a formality, rather than a heavy part of the selection process. I also reminded her that she received all the points she needed on her Japan interview, meaning she interviews well. Sometimes, that confidence needs to come from within!

Does this ring a bell for you? Have you ever been a little ‘gun-shy’ about engaging in a similar situation that didn’t turn out in your favor?


1. Be willing to evaluate the last situation that didn’t go well for you and examine the pros and cons. If you only see the negative, talk it over with a friend or colleague for a more objective point of view.

2. Courage means seeing beyond what you think and believe you want or need. If something doesn’t happen in your favor, it could be there is another opportunity to come.

3. Trust that you can gain a strength that God provides, and can give you a positive boost of confidence and energize you. You don’t have to do it alone.

4. List the positive characteristics and talents you have. Don’t be modest! Ask others for input. Keep this posted somewhere as a daily reminder of what you contribute to this world!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What If...You Met Them Where They Are?

Several weeks ago, my husband and I went to Chicago for a wedding. We had our plan in tact:

We would fly out on a non-stop from Kansas City to Chicago.

We would catch the train into the city.

We would walk the 3 blocks to our cousin's apartment.

The plan went accordingly and as we stepped off the train in the heart of Chicago, my husband called his cousin to let him know that we were on our way to his house and we began the 3 block walk.

Much to our surprise, within minutes we saw our cousin in complete view on the other side of the street.

He came to meet us where we were...

and walk us to his home personally.

As the leader of a women's organization, God has been teaching me a powerful lesson recently. I can almost hear His words audibly:

Meet them where they are, Randee. This is your job as leader.

I have made the mistake in the past of waiting for others to come to me; particularly when a task was clearly outlined and agreed upon by the individual and myself. After all...Am I my brother's keeper? (Sound familiar? Ouch.)

In reading through the Gospels, I see how often Jesus met them where they were. He found common ground with His followers. He spoke their language. He was able to beautifully pinpoint a need to be met and then fulfilled that need.

Oh, how the desire of my heart is to be a leader like Him. How far I have to go but in His mercy and grace, He gives me one opportunity after another to demonstrate His kind of leadership. How precious is our Lord for...

He meets me where I am.

Monday, October 8, 2007

What if ... we learned the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership

I had read some time ago when my sister borrowed me John C. Maxwell's book called "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" and found it to be a wonderful book. Unfortunately I had to return the book to her. It is a book that I wanted to keep on my bookshelf to be able to go back to from time to time and learn from and gain new insights into becoming more of a leader myself.

So when I heard about the new revised and updated 10th anniversary edition of his book, I had to get my hands on it. The new revised edition includes seventeen new leadership stories, two new laws of leadership introduced, a new evaluation tool that reveals your leadership strengths and weaknesses and application exercises in every chapter to help you grow. View his video about the book on GodTube below:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

What If...We Made It To 100 Posts?

I couldn't resist announcing this momentous occasion.

The What If...? Women reaches 100 posts!

Yep. You read it right.

This is offically the 100th post of The What If...? Women.

When Lori called me with this fabulous idea those few months ago, I jumped at the opportunity with an invitation to Anne, Norka, and Lynn.

They accepted and here we are!

So, please join in our celebration by leaving a comment.

What if ... we allowed our kids to keep us young?

When I was younger I never appreciated when I seemed to always be the youngest person in any adult gathering but now that I am getting older with kids of my own that are growing so fast, I miss being the youngest. It seems I am now the oldest person in many adult gatherings making me feel older then I'd like.

This past week after going to a roller skating rink with my kids for my daughters birthday, I realize, too often, that I allow the fact that I have kids and seeing how fast they grow up, keep my mindset on how I'm getting older as well, giving me gray hairs instead of keeping me young.

This past week having fun roller skating with my kids was just what I needed to help me see that they don't have to give me the gray hairs but keep me young instead if I just allow myself to participate in more of the fun rather then dwelling on the fact that I am getting older.

Watching some other older adults zip around the roller skating floor having lots of fun was definitely an inspiration for me to see!