Sunday, April 29, 2007

What If...We Embraced Uncertainty?

"Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life---gracious uncertainty is the mark of a spiritual life." ~Oswald Chambers

I am the epitome of a Type A personality. I am a big thinker and doer. I've learned the worldly lessons of breaking down the big goal into smaller goals, creating endless lists to check off, filling every minute of my schedule with tasks to accomplish. I am the "can do" woman. And...I am completely and utterly flawed.

I don't like uncertainty.

I like to have everything in place; all my ducks in a row. I like to "root" myself in my faith, my family, my community, my career. Stability and accomplishment. That's what I'm good at. I don't like uncertainty. Yet, this year has been a year of uncertainty. But I know deep in my heart this one thing:

God is certain.

As the ebb and flow of life takes place, there He is...our unchanging God. He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I flit about from one thing to the next and there He rock, my fortress, my deliverer. Sometimes, I wonder if He gets weary in delivering me from one mess or another that I have gotten myself into. I know I get weary.

The lessons of this past year have been difficult as I balk at all of the uncertainty. He's teaching me to draw nearer to Him. To quit relying on myself. To lean not to my own understanding but acknowledge Him. He will make my paths straight. It's His promise and God can't break a promise.

I think Martha of Bethany was of a Type A, too. I can relate to Martha.


Anne said...

It's heartening to read that gracious uncertainty is the mark of a spiritual life. Your post reminded me of a conversation I had recently with a woman struggling to know God and believe that Jesus is the savior. (She isn't there yet.) I struggled to know how to help with her wrestling with God, and finally told her that I thought maybe her uncertainty was really a gift from God. I went on to explain that there are many people who wouldn't be struggling spiritually as much as she is, because they just wouldn't care. And I acknowledged that there are Christians who feel they're "covered" because they have accepted Jesus as the Son, but faith takes a back seat to other parts of their lives. But here is my friend, in all her angst and uncertainty, still fighting to pray, study the Bible and continue on the journey where I hope (and pray)she meets Christ. Your post reminds me too of a quote by the poet Rilke:

"I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." - Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Randee said...

I love the term you use..."wrestling with God" as I just finished reading Get Out Of That Pit by Beth Moore. She makes an acute observation as she discusses the topic of deliverance. She opens by acknowledging that God can and does offer "instant" deliverance to some. She then follows it with with the claim that He has not (or rarely) offered this "instant" deliverance for her. It made me wonder...Is there a relationship between our tempermants (or personalities, perhaps) and God's "instant" deliverance. In other words, because of my own temperment, am I responsible for the "wrestling"? Just a thought!

Kathie Thomas said...

Great to see your new blog! Definitely worthwhile putting it out there!

Unknown said...

“ When an archer misses the mark he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull’s-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.” Gilbert Arland

We live in the world with life being a journey. The most liberating moments come with your conviction that you need only please God, and that you neither have to be the one "in charge" nor do you need to be the expert in all things.

God uses every measure to test our growth in His ways. He doesn't call for perfection, rather our willingness for change.

I believe the poet Rilke understands God's grace.

In His due season, life is blessed beyond the blueprints of our lives.

Glad that you created this blog.

Anne said...

Kathie and Anne, how nice to have you stop in! Anne, I hadn't thought of it that way, but I think you're right about Rilke understanding God's grace. One day I'll have to read his "Love Poems to God". Randee, interesting question regarding Beth Moore's "instant deliverance" quote. I don't know if it has anything to do with personality. If so, he must have determined I need a lot of shaping, because I've spent a lot of my life in uncertain territories. :)

Randee said...

Words of wisdom from very wise women. I thank you for sharing!

Lori Arriaga said...

What a great post to start the blog out with. All the comments are wonderful as well and I am happy to see others joining in the conversation already. I was just feeling a little intimidated myself for being a part of such a wonderful group of women and wondering if I could possibly contribute such thought provoking posts myself but I was reminded that I don't need to be the expert nor perfect in my writings as Anne Schrock commented:

"We live in the world with life being a journey. The most liberating moments come with your conviction that you need only please God, and that you neither have to be the one "in charge" nor do you need to be the expert in all things.

God uses every measure to test our growth in His ways. He doesn't call for perfection, rather our willingness for change."

Thanks for the reminder Anne!

Sheri said...

LOL - "Wrestling with God..." Jacob's hip was broken or dislocated after he wrestled with God all night. Funny, arthritis has set into both my hips making it difficult to do a lot of everyday activities. Parallel? I am certain of it.

Randee said...


I had the most fascinating conversation with a devoted Christian woman who has a business in "biblical health". I had never heard this term before so I was intrigued. During our discussion, she showed me medical ailments and thier "spiritual" or "emotional" roots. I don't recall anything about broken hips but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in her book. Quite frankly, I walked away pondering: What if...she's right?

Anonymous said...

Randee, I can so relate to you. This piece hits home. Sister chick, were we in the same womb at the same time?
But you know what? God has to be certain, because sin has made life so uncertain. All we can do is hold on to His certainty, 'cause no matter how hard we try and try to avoid, foresee, and preprae for uncertainties.. reality is that they will undoubtedly show up -big time every time.

Randee said...


We're twins! Can't you tell by looking? :) Different mothers but the same Father, amen?

So glad to have you on board, my sister.

Sheri said...


I do believe that there are many ailments that are emotionally and spiritually based. And I also believe that healing (in many ways) can come from God's Word. It's just hard to know, sometimes, the direction in which we're being pointed. Sometimes I feel like a broken compass. You know the dime-store kind that can never seem to point north?

I'd be interested in the name of the "biblical health" business, if you wouldn't mind sharing.

I just finished a book called "The Maker's Diet." It's totally based on the Bible and the guidelines that God set forth for the Israelites and their diets. It's a very interesting read.

Randee said...

Yes, I'm familiar with the Maker's Diet. I've only read bits of it but I plan to spend some time in it. I don't have the name of her business but I am plan to invite her to speak on a future Pink Collar Club conference call or webinar. I'll keep you posted. I don't think she has a website but I'll double-check and give you the details if she does!